How Does Motherhood Affect Ambition?

Lindsey Stanberry led a powerhouse panel discussion with Erika Hanafin Feldhus, Hitha Palepu, L'Oreal Thompson Payton, and Liz Tenety on this topic at The Win Summit, and I wanted to share some of my favorite takeaways:

📌 Motherhood doesn't have to change one's ambition; it can actually help crystallize it. - Hitha

📌 Motherhood can be a motivator, but it's also ok if there is latency. Let's normalize transition time. - Liz

📌 Motherhood can power ambition. It's good for boys and girls to see how strong their moms are. -Erica

📌 Motherhood can help us realize that we don’t have to be a girlboss 9-5, and we can redefine what success looks like for ourselves. Maya Angelou's definition of success is pretty amazing: “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." -L'Oreal

I found myself nodding my head the entire discussion. I’m so inspired by these women and their fresh takes. Do any of these sentiments ring true for you?

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