As an author, startup investor and seasoned executive, Fran enjoys sharing actionable insights with professional women at every level to up their game and achieve careers they love. She also works with writers and entrepreneurs to help them bring their ideas to life.



It’s time to take your career to the next level.

This 8-chapter digital course guides you through the ten practices of powerfully kind leaders.

You’ll hear a number of personal anecdotes from Fran along with tips for developing your authentic confidence, using your empathy strategically, and negotiating successfully. Available on:


Do you have a concept or prototype that you’re ready to turn from a dream to a reality?

For an entrepreneur, raising money can be the scariest, and most important, step to take in launching a business. Join Fran and Randi Zuckerberg for an online course as they give you the tools and tips you’ll need to raise money for your dream business. 


 Ready to turn your story and expertise into a non-fiction book?

It all starts with writing a stellar book proposal that will land you a literary agent and ultimately a publishing deal. Join Fran and bestselling collaborative writer Jodi Lipper for an online course or in-person workshop as they guide you every step of the way.



How can Fran help you achieve your goals?

Meet with Fran for 60 minutes to get advice that can help you bring your career and/or business to the next level. Sessions can cover: leadership development, designing a career you love, helping you get unstuck at work, pitch deck reviews, fundraising advice, navigating book publishing.

Annie Evans is Fran’s go-to when it comes to fundraising strategy and community building. Grab a complimentary 15-minute session with Annie HERE and use promo code FRAN50 to brainstorm how you can best utilize Dream Ventures to reach your goals. (Typically $50)


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