What Are the Things That You Want to Hold on to?
I’m starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I was talking about this with a dear friend, mindfulness expert Patricia Karpas, and we agreed that we would take some time this month to reflect on the moments of joy over the past year, the people we realize truly matter, and the practices and behaviors that have served us well. After our talk, I realized how important it is to do that and not simply go back to our default way of being pre-Covid. Let’s hold on to the stuff that’s working.
For me, I love that I’ve integrated a very short morning ritual of meditation and gratitude into my day. I’ve been walking more and been better about saying no to things that don’t serve me. As invitations slowly come in, my intention is to hold on to the slower pace with the kids and not feel that they have to be busy every minute they are not in school. I’ve also done a lot of reflecting on the people I’ve missed the most and I want to make sure that I prioritize spending time with them. What are the things that you want to hold on to?
To hear audio versions of my pep talks on topics like this one (and to get access to hundreds of short guided meditations on Meditation Studio), click here!